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Can not find the directory

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 1:39 am
by townsend
Hi, I tested the p2f Automation API on my PC, it runs perfectly, the code as below:

Code: Select all

            Print2Flash3.Server2 p2f = new Print2Flash3.Server2();
            Print2Flash3.Profile2 myprof = new Print2Flash3.Profile2();
            myprof.InterfaceOptions = 0;
            myprof.Language = "zh-CN";
            myprof.Skin = null;
            string sourceFile = "WHO守则合.规需求报告.docx";
            string targetFile = sourceFile.Remove(sourceFile.LastIndexOf(".")) + ".swf";
            //p2f.ConvertFile("E:\\temp\\" + sourceFile,"E:\\temp\\flash\\" + targetFile,myprof,null,null);
but, when I try to convert a document on my NAS server, it threw exception

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            string str_path = @"\\\WPMDocs\2013\11\25\";
            p2f.ConvertFile(@"\\\WPMDocs\2013\11\25\CMSWebService.docx", @"\\\WPMDocs\2013\11\25\CMSWebService.swf", myprof, null, null);
Does it support "network path"? What should I do?



Re: Can not find the directory

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 2:46 am
by staff
Yes, network paths are supported. Which exception did it throw?