The Print button in the browser prints only the part of the document visible at the moment of printing which is usually a very small part of it. Moreover, it prints it improperly scaled and altogether with toolbars which hardly can be deemed a satisfactory printer output. Try to use the Print button on Print2Flash toolbar for printing and see the difference.
This kind of printing cannot be prevented for any type of document, not only for Print2Flash documents. For example, you can always grab a picture of the screen and send it to clipboard with PrintScreen key, paste it into a graphic editor such as MS Paint and print the picture. Or one can take a camera, take a photo of the computer screen and print the photo. Such kind of printing cannot be prevented.
However, if you publish your documents on the web embedded in a web page, you can hide the whole page content when a user prints the document by using CSS in the web page which embeds your Print2Flash documents:
Code: Select all
<style type="text/css" media="print">
* { display: none; }