64-bit Windows 2003 Server
Can Print2Flash server edition be installed and run on a 64-bit Windows 2003 server? Even when I tried to enter my registration code, it was rejected as invalid.
Re: 64-bit Windows 2003 Server
Hello Dear
Actually You have another problem,I tried to this and its successfully run On Win Server 2003 First you install properly your driver then again try it if once again your problem create so your may be its your hardware problem.
Actually You have another problem,I tried to this and its successfully run On Win Server 2003 First you install properly your driver then again try it if once again your problem create so your may be its your hardware problem.
Re: 64-bit Windows 2003 Server
I also have the same problem. I have registered version of P2F 2.7.3 - 32bit installer.But when i tried to install it in a 64-bit windows server-2003 machine, it is showing a message that the installer is not compatable with the OS. How can i install it..? I need to install 32-bit, because my client application is using sdk of 32-bit.So please help me
Varghese VS,
Amrita E-Learing research Lab,
Amritapuri campus
Varghese VS,
Amrita E-Learing research Lab,
Amritapuri campus
Re: 64-bit Windows 2003 Server
On 64 bit editions of Windows you need to install 64 bit edition of Print2Flash. You may download it from the download page at http://print2flash.com/download.php