We're attempting to convert documents via command line. The command line we are using is similar to this:
C:\Print2Flash\p2fserver.exe "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\sitename\p2f_test.txt" /ProtectionOptions:4 /InterfaceOptions:0 /FlashVersion:7 /UseJpeg:on /JpegQuality:100 /Resolution:600 /CreateLogFile:on /LogFileName:mylog.txt
The issue we are having is that on every other attempt, the print2flash dialog window and viewer opens with the document rather than saving it to disk. Strangely, it doesn't do it every time, just *sometimes*. Please note that in testing, we are using the *same document* between successful and unsuccessful attempts. It just seems that dialog window appears on occasion for no apparent reason, which means it is not saved and thus not working as intended for our needs/use.
I've been trying to get in touch with P2F support since July 16th and haven't gotten any response back so I'm at a loss.
Has anyone else run into this problem or have any ideas?