Dear All:
Now company need development 'File Management System'. we need convert the doc (TIF/PDF/DOC/EXCEL etc.) to swf(Flash) in web server and show it in client (IE).
can anyone help to provide some sample code to convert the file?
Development Tool :VS2008(C#) B/S (
Thank you very much.
How can I use print2flash CONVERT FILE TO swf in C# ?
Re: How can I use print2flash CONVERT FILE TO swf in C# ?
You may convert those kinds of files to SWF format using ASP.NET and C# with Print2Flash. You may get a sample from the Print2Flash SDK which can be downloaded from our download page at (the sample is located in the Automation\Samples\ASP.NET folder of SDK archive).
Re: How can I use print2flash CONVERT FILE TO swf in C# ?
Thanks for your support.I have run the sample program (In WinXP),but it occurs a error :
File could not be converted. Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {466FAC17-24D2-4B37-A2C4-E2CFA0D3E1E7} failed due to the following error: 80040154.
What's the wrong?
File could not be converted. Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {466FAC17-24D2-4B37-A2C4-E2CFA0D3E1E7} failed due to the following error: 80040154.
What's the wrong?
Re: How can I use print2flash CONVERT FILE TO swf in C# ?
First, you need to install a commercial edition of Print2Flash on the computer where you run this sample. It can be downloaded from our download page at Then, you need to configure the Print2Flash Service as specified in the ReadMe.htm file located in the sample folder.