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Print2Flash OLE Automation API SDK

Print2Flash features Print2Flash SDK which helps developers to use Print2Flash OLE Automation API. SDK contains several files with type information plus samples in VBScript, ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, Java, Microsoft Visual C++, and Delphi. The SDK can be downloaded from Print2Flash download page at http://print2flash.com/download.php The Automation API SDK is contained in Automation folder of the SDK archive.

This folder contains following files:

These files can be used to import Print2Flash Automation API type information into your development tool. For example, type library file can be easily imported into Delphi or Microsoft Visual Studio to generate files for providing access to all Print2Flash Automation API objects. Refer to your development tool documentation for more information. See also Using Print2Flash OLE Automation API.


Print2Flash OLE Automation API SDK has several samples written in VBScript, ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, Java, Microsoft Visual C++, and Delphi. The samples are located in Samples subfolder. Each subfolder of this folder contains samples for different languages. Refer to ReadMe.htm files located in the root of sample folders for sample installation and usage instructions.