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HTML5 Output Tab of Document Options Window
Output tab of Document Options window lets you configure
HTML5 document specific options.
- Create HTML5 Document - this option specifies if an HTML5 document should be created at conversion. If this option is not set, no HTML5 output is produced.
- Template - use this option to specify either the standard or a custom HTML5 document viewer file. See this help topic for more information on custom viewers: Designing Custom Viewer for HTML5 Documents.
- Compatibility - these options specify the types and versions of browsers with which your HTML5 documents should be compatible. If you target your HTML5 documents not for all browsers, you may uncheck unnecessary browser options. It may help Print2Flash to produce more optimized documents. Also you may specify minimum versions for each type of browser you want to support. These versions cannot be lower than the minimum versions required by Print2Flash HTML5 documents.
- Compression - check this option if you want to compress SVG files that represent pages in HTML5 documents.
- Embed all resources in SVG page files - when set, Print2Flash embeds all resources (such as fonts and images) inside SVG page files of HTML5 documents thus creating autonomous SVG files not linked to any external files. This option may create HTML5 documents of greater size. When this option is cleared, Print2Flash optimizes HTML5 documents and decides if a resource should embedded automatically thus creating SVG files linked to external files.
- Subset original font files - this parameter controls WOFF font generation for HTML5 documents. If set, Print2Flash subsets original font files supplied to the Print2Flash Printer and uses them as font files for resulting HTML5 documents. if it is not set, Print2Flash generates its own font files from scratch based on the font information supplied to the Print2Flash Printer. You may try to modify this parameter if you experience problems with font displaying of your HTML5 documents.
- View Mode - this option specifies the
display mode of HTML5 documents:
- Single Page - only a single document page is available for viewing and scrolling at a time. This mode consumes the least browser resources as only a single page and not the whole document has to be loaded in order to display the document;
- Multiple Page - all document pages are available simultaneously in a scrollable area. This mode consumes more browser resources as all pages have to be loaded before displaying the document;
- Switch to Single Page mode if the number of pages exceeds... - this is a compromise between Single Page and Multiple Page modes. If the document is small enough and has no more than the specified number of pages, the document is shown in Multiple Page mode. If the document is large and has more pages, it is shown in Single Page mode. You may adjust this threshold number of pages in the number entry field here.