Server Object
The Server object allows you to convert documents to Flash
or HTML5 format and provides
access to various default conversion options.
The Server object is a core object of Print2Flash OLE Automation API. For almost all tasks related to Print2Flash Server functionality you need to create and use this object. Its primary responsibilities are:
- Conversion of documents residing in files and folders to Print2Flash format;
- Providing access to default printing profile, default printing preferences, default batch processing options and skins;
- Providing statistic and error information on performed conversions.
Object access
To access Server object, you need to create it using "Print2Flash5.Server" ProgID such as in the following example:
set P2F=CreateObject("Print2Flash5.Server") |
Name | Type | Read-only | Description |
ConvertedPages | Integer | Yes | Returns the number of pages actually present in the last converted Print2Flash document. This value may differ from TotalPages property value if you use PageRange property of BatchProcessingOptions object. |
DefaultBatchProcessingOptions | BatchProcessingOptions object |
Yes |
Returns BatchProcessingOptions object used for document conversion by default. You can change the returned object properties to modify default batch processing options for subsequent document conversions. |
DefaultPrintingPreferences | PrintingPreferences object | Yes | Returns PrintingPreferences object used for document conversion by default. You can change the returned object properties to modify default printing preferences for subsequent document conversions. |
DefaultProfile | Profile object | Yes | Returns Profile object used for document conversion by default. You can change the returned object properties to modify default document options for subsequent document conversions. |
DirsScanned | Integer | Yes | Returns the number of subdirectories scanned at the last document conversion. |
ErrorCount | Integer | Yes | Returns the number of errors occurred at the last document conversion. The error code and message can be retrieved either from conversion log or, in case of single document conversion with ConvertFile method, - from exception returned from that method. |
FilesConverted | Integer | Yes | Returns the number of files converted at the last document conversion. |
FlashFileCount | Integer | Yes | Returns the number of Flash files generated at the last document conversion. |
MetadataFileCount | Integer | Yes | Returns the number of metadata files generated at the last document conversion. |
Skins | SkinCollection object | Yes | Returns the collection of skins defined on this server. |
SkippedPages | Integer | Yes | Returns the number of pages
skipped at the last document conversion. In rare cases document contents can
be complex enough to fit into all requested pages into a single Flash file
(due to Flash file format limitations) so a number of trailing pages can be
truncated from it. If this happens, this property is set to the number of
such trailing pages. In such a case you may:
SVGFileCount | Integer | Yes | Returns the number of page SVG files generated at the last document conversion. |
ThumbnailFileCount | Integer | Yes | Returns the number of thumbnail files generated at the last document conversion. Thumbnail files generation is controlled by the ThumbnailPageRange property of Profile object. |
TotalPages | Integer | Yes | Returns the total number of pages in the last converted original document. |
Version | String | Yes | Returns Print2Flash Server version |
Method cancels the current printing job.
This method reverts the Print2Flash Printer to normal mode of operation
without capturing print jobs. It is safe to call this method even if StartJob
method was not called before so you may call this method for safety in order
to be sure that printer is in normal non-capturing operation mode. See
Printing Jobs help topic for more information on
printing jobs.
Method converts all specified files in a directory to Print2Flash documents.
ConvertDir (SourceDirName, [SourceFileMask], [OutputDirName], [IncludeSubDirs], [Profile], [BatchProcessingOptions], [PrintingPreferences])
Name | Type | Description |
SourceDirName | String | The full path and name of the directory where all the document to convert reside |
SourceFileMask | String | The mask for the files to convert, e.g. "*.doc". If this argument is not specified, all files are attempted to convert |
OutputDirName | String | The full path and name of the output directory to which resulting Print2Flash documents are written. If this parameter is omitted, the output document files are written to the same directory as SourceDirName. |
IncludeSubDirs | Boolean | Boolean indicator specifying whether to look for files to convert in all subdirectories of the SourceDirName directory in addition to the files located directly in SourceDirName directory. The default is false. |
Profile | Profile object | Profile object with document options to use for conversion. If omitted, options from DefaultProfile property are used |
BatchProcessingOptions | BatchProcessingOptions object | BatchProcessingOptions object with batch processing options to use for conversion. If omitted, options from DefaultBatchProcessingOptions property are used |
PrintingPreferences | PrintingPreferences object | PrintingPreferences object with printing preferences to use for conversion. If omitted, preferences from DefaultPrintingPreferences property are used |
At minimum you should provide only the SourceDirName argument. All other arguments are optional.
The method tries to convert all files satisfying the SourceFileMask and residing in SourceDirName directory. If IncludeSubDirs argument is set to true, the files in all subdirectories of the SourceDirName directory with any nesting level are attempted to convert as well. The output Flash documents are named after the original document with .swf extension appended to the original document name. The output HTML5 documents are named after the original document with .xml extension appended to the original document name.
The following example converts all documents in a directory named C:\Docs and stores the converted files in the same directory. Documents in subdirectories are not converted:
P2F.ConvertDir "C:\Docs" |
P2F.ConvertDir "C:\Docs", "*.doc" |
P2F.ConvertDir "C:\Docs", , "C:\FlashDocs" |
P2F.ConvertDir "C:\Docs", , , True |
For usage examples of Profile, BatchProcessingOptions and PrintingPreferences arguments refer to Profile, BatchProcessingOptions and PrintingPreferences objects reference topics.
Method converts a single file to Print2Flash document.
ConvertFile (SourceFileName , [OutputFileName], [Profile], [BatchProcessingOptions], [PrintingPreferences])
Name | Type | Description |
SourceFileName | String | The full path and name of the source document file |
OutputFileName | String | The base full path and name of
the output document file without extension. For Flash documents Print2Flash
adds .swf extension to this name while for HTML5 documents it adds .xml
extension. If this parameter is omitted, the file is put into the same folder as the original file. Flash documents are named after the original document with .swf extension appended to the original document name and HTML5 documents - with .xml extension appended. |
Profile | Profile object | Profile object with document options to use for conversion. If omitted, options from DefaultProfile property are used |
BatchProcessingOptions | BatchProcessingOptions object | BatchProcessingOptions object with batch processing options to use for conversion. If omitted, options from DefaultBatchProcessingOptions property are used |
PrintingPreferences | PrintingPreferences object | PrintingPreferences object with printing preferences to use for conversion. If omitted, preferences from DefaultPrintingPreferences property are used |
At minimum you should provide only the SourceFileName argument. All other arguments are optional.
The following example converts a document named C:\Docs\MyDoc.doc and saves the converted Flash document to C:\Docs\MyDoc.doc.swf file and converted HTML5 document - to C:\Docs\MyDoc.doc.xml file (and a related folder C:\Docs\MyDoc.doc_files):
P2F.ConvertFile "C:\Docs\MyDoc.doc" |
P2F.ConvertFile "C:\Docs\MyDoc.doc", "C:\FlashDocs\Doc2" |
Method ends the current printing job.
This call creates a Print2Flash document at the location specified in the earlier StartJob method call. After this call the Print2Flash Printer reverts to normal mode of operation without capturing print jobs. See Printing Jobs help topic for more information on printing jobs.
Makes Print2Flash Printer a default printer in the system.
This method call makes Print2Flash Printer a default printer in the system. For some applications it may be necessary that Print2Flash Printer is a default printer in order to send document output to it successfully. In such cases this method may help you to set Print2Flash Printer as a default printer.
Method starts a new printing job.
StartJob(OutputFileName, Profile, BatchProcessingOptions, PrintingPreferences)
Name | Type | Description |
OutputFileName | String | The base full path and name of the output document file without extension. For Flash documents Print2Flash adds .swf extension to this name while for HTML5 documents it adds .xml extension. |
Profile | Profile object | The Profile object to use for conversion. |
BatchProcessingOptions | BatchProcessingOptions object | The BatchProcessingOptions object to use for conversion. |
PrintingPreferences | PrintingPreferences object | The PrintingPreferences object to use for conversion. |
After this call the Print2Flash Printer switches to a special "capture" mode at which any print job sent to it will be converted to a Print2Flash document written to the file specified by the OutputFileName parameter. See Printing Jobs help topic for more information on printing jobs